
Chapter One :Chapter 1

“Cough... Cough…”

The heavy, unnerving stench of blood flooded Feng Junbao's nostrils. It was like a non-smoker inhaling the first whiff of blue-grey smoke, causing him to relentlessly cough.

The overwhelming smell of blood did not cease due to Feng Junbao's coughing. In this short second, Feng Junbao's nostrils, throat, and entire lungs were filled with the potent scent of blood.

The next second, he finally opened his eyes.

"Didn't I die?"

"Where am I?"

"Did I travel through time?"

Before he could voice these meaningless thoughts, Feng Junbao was profoundly struck by the scene in front of him!

Blood was spurting out, limbs were flying about, and decapitated heads with horrified eyes were propelled into the sky. Gangs of men, the wildest, bloodiest, most brutal fights filled Feng Junbao's line of sight.

The sound of metal objects violently clashing, the soldiers’ resonating battle cries, and screams of agony seemed as if they might rupture Feng Junbao's eardrums.

"Thump... Thump…"

From a distance, the deep and fast rhythm of war drums echoed, every beat slamming into Feng Junbao's heart like a heavy hammer.

This was an ancient battlefield.

A cold, bloody, brutal siege laid itself bare before Feng Junbao's eyes.

Terrified but not wanting to die instantly, Feng Junbao forced himself to calm down. He understood well that this was not the time to panic or lose control. Otherwise, he would instantly become another unfortunate soul under the fierce soldiers' blades.

"Your Highness, thank goodness, you’re not dead. Brothers, protect... Ah!"

A soldier dressed in brown leather armor noticed Feng Junbao fallen on the ground. He terrible shriek interrupted his sentence.

Looking directly at this soldier, Feng Junbao clearly saw the bloody knife tip protruding from the soldier's chest.

A war knife had been thrust into this soldier's back and came out through his chest. He was definitely dead!


At the same time as the soldier hit the ground, a soldier in black armor entered Feng Junbao's sight. His ferocious appearance and bloody war knife in hand held all of Feng Junbao’s attention.


With a roar like a wild beast, the soldier in black armor raised his war knife, stained with warm blood, and brutally struck at Feng Junbao's head.

"Damn it! I just came into this world, and I'm going to be slashed to death? That’s absurd!"

Completely desperate, Feng Junbao closed his eyes. As he roared unwillingly inside, he was already mentally prepared to face death.


A gust flew over Feng Junbao's head. The expected fatal blow didn’t hit him. Instead, a crash echoed out from two metal objects colliding together twenty centimeters above his head.

"Protect His Highness!"




Roaring sounds, thudding sounds, the noise of sharp weapons piercing flesh, followed by agonizing screams, echoed one after the other. When Feng Junbao opened his eyes again, a sinister-looking soldier in black armor was convulsing on the ground, soon to be claimed by the Reaper.

This was the second time Feng Junbao had heard the term "Your Highness." His mind couldn't help but wonder who this lucky person referred to as "Your Highness" was, and why so many people were intent on protecting him.

Before Feng Junbao could seek out who "Your Highness" was, a bone-chilling voice resounded in his mind:

"Ding! System recognizing the master...

Scanning the host's detailed information!

Scan completed, the system has successfully recognized its master!

Congratulations, host, you have successfully become the master of the 'Overlord System'!

System Inventory Opened!

Team Formation Function Opened!

Upgrade Function Opened!

Skill Tree Opened!

Received one system initiation red envelope!

Red envelope automatically opening...

Equipment obtained: Frostbattle Saber;"

"Obtained items: 10 bottles of Jin Chuang Medicine;

Acquired Initial Skill Points: 5."

A series of voices rang out, and Feng Junbao suddenly felt his mind filled with additional information.

He directed his attention to his mind and was surprised to find additional mechanics resembling those from a game interface.

As he entertained a thought, panels began popping open one after another.

On one of the panels was an image of a "Tree" composed of numerous round buttons. At the top of the panel was a row of characters that read: Skill Tree, Unused Skill Points: 5.

At the base of the "Tree" were three buttons labeled with three words respectively -【Stamina】, 【Magic】, and 【Strength】. As for the round buttons above, they were all grayed out and not activated.

Curious, Feng Junbao clicked on the 【Strength】 button.

As the button pulsed, Feng Junbao suddenly felt a wave of comfort coursing throughout his body, like the refreshing sensation of gulping down ice-cold cola on a sweltering day. One could only describe it as pure exhilaration.

"Why do I feel like my strength has somewhat increased?"

Feng Junbao wasn't sure if this was an illusion or reality. To confirm it, he clicked on the 【Strength】 button four more times, and the previously felt comfort surged once more.

This time, Feng Junbao finally confirmed that his strength had indeed increased. At the same time, he noted that his rewarded 5 skill points were all used up.

Switching his focus to the 【System Backpack】 panel, Feng Junbao saw 10 bottles filled with red potion and a blade gleaming with a chilling glare. He was sure that these were the 10 bottles of Jin Chuang Medicine and the Frost Blade rewarded by the system.

"Did I enter a game world?"

This thought had barely emerged in Feng Junbao's mind when he instantly dismissed it. Everything he had heard, seen, and experienced told him that he was in a real world.

Feng Junbao was about to continue studying these control panels when a voice brought him back to reality:

"All the brothers are fighting now, but we have to protect an idiot here, it's so damn frustrating!"

"Yeah, look at him, he looks so stupid. It's such a pity for 'Dandy' ...just to protect this fool, got stabbed to death...sigh!"

"Batulu, let me go to battle, to kill enemies! I don't want to stay in this corner watching our brothers die one after another!"

These words were spoken by several soldiers in brown leather armor, who were guarding Feng Junbao with weapons in their hands, occasionally glancing at him.

Just as the discussion ended, an angry shout echoed:

"Shut up all of you! And remember, we're in the middle of a battle, don't call me Batulu, call me Captain!"

"Yes, Captain!"

All the soldiers responded in unison, suppressing their dissatisfaction.

"Wow, what a bad boy, so cool!"

Feng Junbao began to size up this guy called Batulu.

He was a robust and tall middle-aged guy with sword-like eyebrows, a high nose, firm lips, dark skin without beard - indeed a handsome man.

As Feng Junbao scrutinized him, Batulu went on:

“I know you're not pleased, but the primary duty of our kingdom’s guard is to safeguard the royal family. Now, the king is critically ill, the elder prince disappeared half a year ago. If anything happens to the younger prince, our Huangyan Duchy will perish even before the city turns to ruin! Yes, our younger prince is somewhat mentally challenged, but with a great enemy at the gates, his presence on the city wall representing the royal family should inspire us with respect for his courage, which boosts the morale of our brothers!"

As Batulu finished, the scene fell into silence, while Feng Junbao, sitting next to the city wall, was lost in thought:

"So, the blockhead known as 'Your Highness' is a fool and a dunce, haha!" Feng Junbao's mouth twitched into a smirk, his brilliant smile hadn't fully bloomed when he saw Batulu turn his head and said to him:

"Your Highness, are you alright?"

Feng Junbao looked around, ensured there was nobody around him, and pointed at himself, saying uncertainly, “I'm ‘Your Highness’?”

"Of course, you are our Second Prince of Huangyan Kingdom.”

Batulu's words completely dumbfounded Feng Junbao!

"Bananas and pineapples, you watermelon! Am I that fool, dunce and blockhead?!”

At that moment, Feng Junbao felt as though he was being overrun by a herd of wild horses!

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